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Apartmentalize 2023 Highlights

Apartmentalize 2023 Highlights

Apartmentalize 2023 had a record number of attendees! And we were there to connect with all of them!  The Possession Partner and Hunter Warfield team thoroughly enjoyed being…

Metro Atlanta Courts Damaging Apartment Affordability, Safety

Today we learned via Jim Fowler at Insider Advantage that the courts in Metro Atlanta are damaging apartment affordability. See the complete article below…Professional apartment…

Too Many Steps Leaves Many Chances to Drop the Ball

The steps to eviction are numerous and complicated as evidenced by the recent process chart released by the National Apartment Association. With more than a dozen…

Four Stages of Revenue Recovery and Their Success

When faced with delinquent renters, owner/operators and onsite teams can face up to four stages of revenue recovery. The quicker each stage is addressed, the…

The New Revenue Recovery Process

James Neely was invited to Apartments to Go to provide some insights on the new revenue recovery process. He also provides information on how to…